While I am sure you have read most of what has been written on the USGA and R&A proposed ban on anchored putting I wanted to briefly share my take with you:
Professional Golf
I'm sure the primary objective of the two governing bodies was to eliminate anchoring from the major tours and I emphatically agree. I think the best golfers should be capable of freely swinging the club with their hands and arms.
Bifurcation and Growing the Game
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts - and that's exactly what needs to be done with the rules of golf. There may be another sport, but I cannot think of one where the 'amateur' body governs the 'professional' body. From college football to baseball, there are different rules for the pros than the amateurs and that's the way it should be. The governing bodies should be growing the game and this ruling is going to eliminate so many ailing golfers from competing at any level or even playing the game. In 2016 there are going to be thousands of golfers who will turn down an invitation to their Member-Guest event due to the fact that they are simply incapable of putting the ball. I've seen golfers who twitch anchored putters - never mind a putter that's not attached - in 2016 they're out of golf! Come up with a ruling for professional golf and USGA/R&A events and let the rest of us just enjoy the game.
If you thought you had seen some strange putters and putting styles, you ain't seen nothing yet! As with anything, golfers who simply cannot putt will find ways to the job done in unique and quirky ways by the time 2016 rolls around. Ever seen anyone putt with both arms wrapped around the putter twice?
I like the idea of changing the ruling for the big guys, but don't punish everybody in order to achieve your goal...
The End.